Some years back, I created some scripts and a precompiled kernel for use with KeDei 3,5″ Raspberry Pi Touchscreen V2. I have now revisited those for use with Raspbian Buster and made it easier to install.

Note: touchscreen is not working. Xorg has become more strict about input devices, and the touch driver in its current form is not up to scratch.
The downloadables
- Custom built kernel tarball
- Installation script
- Build script (if you want to build your own kernel)
- Create a Raspbian SD card (not NOOBS)
- Download the installation script and the tarball to the same directory on a linux computer
- Edit the installation script to adjust your SD card location variables
nano rpi-kedei-35lcdv2-kernel-screen
- Run the installation script
sudo ./rpi-kedei-35lcdv2-kernel-screen-install
- Put the SD card in your Raspberry Pi and you are done!
Kernel updates
Updating kernels will not work. You are stuck with an old and insecure kernel. If you update from the raspbian repository, your Raspberry Pi won’t boot. You can prevent this situation with:
sudo apt-mark hold raspberrypi-kernel
thx man.
Its hard to install from windows but i think i managed it
Got any hints or directions? I’m trying to and I can’t seem to get it!
Do you have an image that has had the mod done? I’ve been trying for days to get this to work by using Linux, Windows, and cygwin64 consoles and have gotten nowhere. Closest I got was a boot with a kernel panic at 3 seconds in.
Thank you.